Validation Outcome
raw_llm_output: Optional[str]
raw_llm_output = Field(
description="The raw, unchanged output from the LLM call.", default=None ...
The raw, unchanged output from the LLM call.
validated_output: Optional[OT]
validated_output = Field(
description="The validated, and potentially fixed,"
" output from ...
The validated, and potentially fixed, output from the LLM call after passing through validation.
reask: Optional[ReAsk]
reask = Field(
description="If validation continuously fails and all allocated"
" reasks are ...
If validation continuously fails and all allocated reasks are used, this field will contain the final reask that would have been sent to the LLM if additional reasks were available.
validation_passed: bool
validation_passed = Field(
description="A boolean to indicate whether or not"
" the LLM outp ...
A boolean to indicate whether or not the LLM output passed validation.
If this is False, the validated_output may be invalid.
error: Optional[str]
error = Field(default=None)
If the validation failed, this field will contain the error message.
def from_guard_history(cls, call: Call)
Create a ValidationOutcome from a history Call object.
def __iter__() -> Iterator[Union[Optional[str], Optional[OT], Optional[ReAsk],
bool, Optional[str]]]
Iterate over the ValidationOutcome's fields.
def __getitem__(keys)
Get a subset of the ValidationOutcome's fields.