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Getting Started with the Hub

1. Install the Hub CLI

The Guardrails Hub CLI is a part of the Guardrails AI package. You can install it using pip:

pip install guardrails-ai

2. Configure the Hub CLI

To configure the Hub CLI, you need to set your API key. You can get your API key from the Guardrails Hub website.

guardrails configure

3. Install a Guardrail

You can download a guardrail from the Hub using the install command. For example, to download the regex_match guardrail, you can run:

guardrails hub install hub://guardrails/regex_match

4. Use the Guardrail

You can use the guardrail in your code by creating a Guard object and passing it to your LLM API calls. For example, to use the regex_match guardrail with OpenAI's GPT-3, you can run:

# Import Guard and Validator
from guardrails.hub import RegexMatch
from guardrails import Guard

# Initialize the Guard with
val = Guard().use(

guard.parse("Caesar") # Guardrail Passes
guard.parse("Caesar is a great leader") # Guardrail Fails

5. Run multiple Guardrails

You can run multiple guardrails in a single Guard object. For example, here's how to make sure any LLM generated text doesn't contain any toxic language or any mention of your competitors:

First, install the necessary guardrails:

guardrails hub install hub://guardrails/competitor_check
guardrails hub install hub://guardrails/toxic_language
from guardrails import Guard
from guardrails.hub import CompetitorCheck, ToxicLanguage

competitors = ["Apple", "Samsung"]

guard = Guard().use(

guard.validate("My favorite phone is BlackBerry.") # Guardrail Passes